At this time, there is no state certification or licensure board for freelance reporters in the state, so the only requirements to be met would be those individual firms would have in place and the Notarial appointment by the Secretary of State’s Office for the swearing in of witnesses.
To become an Official Superior Court Reporter for the State of North Carolina, it is required that the reporter be an RPR and maintain all CEU credits required by NCRA. Although not a stated requirement for hiring purposes, officials should also already have or be prepared to furnish their own writers and CAT systems. The State furnishes all supplies necessary for reporting the record in the courtroom; however, each reporter is responsible for furnishing their own transcript paper and binders. There are many benefits offered to officials working for the State of North Carolina.
If you are interested in learning what positions might be available around the state or submitting a resume, please visit the Administrative Office of the Courts website (, or call the AOC at 919-831-5974.